Monday, November 11, 2013

Transfer 2

Hi everybody!

It has been a crazy week! I can't begin to tell you. 
My new companion is Elder Ivey, form St George, Ut. He's pretty great, it will just take me some time to get used to him. I can already tell that I will grow a lot through this companionship in many ways, not just because it's my first time training and I'm doing it so early... I am excited to work with him and learn from him. We are so different from each other so it's cool to see how two very different people can have the same testimony and unite in one cause! 
Despite the craziness we were able to go see some people, such as Troy! He kinda has a date rescheduled! Even though he wanted to be baptized pretty bad he really wants to take his time. We don't have an exact date with him but he was thinking like the end of December. Well we were able to talk him into being ready before that. I really believe he can and he need not put it off. We were able to compromise and go for the middle/beginning of December. This week though at our apartment we are going to show him a baptismal calender and map out all the lessons for him to show him he can be ready and then we will testify that with the help of Christ, through the Spirit he can and WILL be ready. He just needs to doubt his doubts. 
We are also going to try and get a date ready for an investigator of ours named Rachel. She is so ready, there is just a lot of chaos in her life. But I know she can do it. 
The work really is beginning to explode! We just got an new ward mission leader who is great! I see a lot of wonderful things happening with the ward through him. There were a couple people we were hoping to get for the calling and he was one of them, so hopefully things go well with that. I will suggest that book to him, dad. Thanks for that! 

That's all I can really say this week. I need to go get a haircut now. 
I hope everyone is continuing to do well. Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support. I am overwhelmed with the love I feel from everyone back home. This week I had 34 new emails!...? You all rock!
Just a reminder, if you are going to send something make sure you use USPS. In the new apartment only USPS can get in to give us the letter/package. Any other shipping company will send it back to you.

I love you all so much!!

-Elder Curtis

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